Tuesday, March 15, 2011

A Site to See

The Ogden Museum of Southern Art in New Orleans, Louisiana is a vivid inspirational creative compliment to the south. The Museum started as just the Ogden Collection by Roger Ogden who was fascinated by original southern artwork. In late 1994, a permanent and larger home for the collection had begun construction to be known as the Ogden Museum of Southern Art. The museum prides itself for their rich collection, varying exhibitions, educational programs, publications, centers and institutions to expand the awareness and appreciation of art from Americas South.

The Ogden has one of the most vibrant interactive official websites I’ve ever come across. The website homepage has a lively animated display of photos and links. The museum itself hosts many exciting activities and events, such as After Hours, Film at the O, O-Mazing Race and O What a Night; public attentiveness for these events is mainly drawn through the website. The Ogden also has a Facebook page, a Flickr account and a blog.

The Ogden Facebook Page stays updated with posts about events and activities both at the Ogden and that the Ogden supports. There are a few photos, older discussions and of course event info. There are not many conversations that take place, but when a person posts a question or needs information about something, the facilitator does respond. Not too much involvement, just the average event informer as we see with most other organizations.

The Ogden has a Flickr account, which I applaud them for. They have hundreds of photos in their photostream, from multiple events. The most important thing about the Flickr account is that it introduces another way to connect with the public-by sharing photos.

The Museum also has a blog called “Bradley’s Blog”, Bradley who is the Collections Manager manages the Ogden blog-“An Insider’s Look at the Ogden Museum of Southern Art”. Bradley writes about the collections he deems worthy of mentioning instead of just writing about all and any event or exhibit. Posts are not on a particular schedule, but nonetheless two-thumbs-up for integrating another way to keep the public feeling involved.

All-in-all I think the Ogden is doing its job as far as being an active social media member. Although, a phenomenal social media organization should have the entire involvement, which also includes a Twitter page and a Foursquare account.

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